Is Life a Joke??
Well this blog is not any more pf poems, or rhyme for that matter...but a mere exploration of the basis that why people are not stable in their lives.....Why is it that people do not know what they want from their lives...Why they undergo certain things, to later repent at whatever happened, or why do they undergo things that they cant even talk about.
If u live a life..should u be not happy abt it..?? Should u be not in a position to elucidate on the events that have happened till date, and yes feel good abt things that have happened in your past. Ok I agree that there are certain things that just make u feel weak, as if u missed smthg important....or u let go of smthg/smbdy which was wrong on your part...probably what was immature on ur part...
but still isnt thinking abt ur past at times important to keep ur present and future in balance.
Should we not think abt our past? Should we not try to understand what are the mistakes that we have made in our past, that have hurt us, made us sad, made somebody else also sad. Effected people, Effected family.
Isnt is correct to at one point in life say.....that yes, I committed this mistake and this was what was wrong on my part....
This was what was missing and this is what I will never let happen again.
This is about relationships, seriously speaking! People chose their partners, decide on their very close friends, girlfriends/boyfriends probably in a much worse way than what they would have done if they were going out to dine, or chosing their dresses/watches/shoes.
Is taking one of the very important decision s in your life, this lower in priority of people's list that they end up putting in more effort in shopping and eating, than chosing their to-be life partners, or just partners for that matter.
When u decide on your shirt, u decide it according to your taste, the cloth, the fit, the size, the shade! Everything consciously/unconsciously comes into picture. Then y is it, that when people are taking few important decisions in their life, that they do not think about it at times. That they do not give it a DAMN to see whether things will work out or not??
Why are people like this, why dont they think twice??
Whenever we do few things just for time pass, we very well know, what it is....yeah obv cheaper....or not worth giving a thought.
Does that mean..that when people commit to some unthought relationships, their lives are not worth giving a thought. They do not have time enough to even think abt what is happening with them, with their real self, to what end are they drifting...
to where are they moving?
I just think at even if people do not realise their mistakes after committing it once, then probably life might not give them chances twice or thrice everytime.
Life is not a testing ground, it is a ground where we all are supposed to give our best and perform to our best. Certainly experiences form a part of what was "my best" at a particular time. But what is the whole point in putting ur effort just half heartedly...???
If u live a life..should u be not happy abt it..?? Should u be not in a position to elucidate on the events that have happened till date, and yes feel good abt things that have happened in your past. Ok I agree that there are certain things that just make u feel weak, as if u missed smthg important....or u let go of smthg/smbdy which was wrong on your part...probably what was immature on ur part...
but still isnt thinking abt ur past at times important to keep ur present and future in balance.
Should we not think abt our past? Should we not try to understand what are the mistakes that we have made in our past, that have hurt us, made us sad, made somebody else also sad. Effected people, Effected family.
Isnt is correct to at one point in life say.....that yes, I committed this mistake and this was what was wrong on my part....
This was what was missing and this is what I will never let happen again.
This is about relationships, seriously speaking! People chose their partners, decide on their very close friends, girlfriends/boyfriends probably in a much worse way than what they would have done if they were going out to dine, or chosing their dresses/watches/shoes.
Is taking one of the very important decision s in your life, this lower in priority of people's list that they end up putting in more effort in shopping and eating, than chosing their to-be life partners, or just partners for that matter.
When u decide on your shirt, u decide it according to your taste, the cloth, the fit, the size, the shade! Everything consciously/unconsciously comes into picture. Then y is it, that when people are taking few important decisions in their life, that they do not think about it at times. That they do not give it a DAMN to see whether things will work out or not??
Why are people like this, why dont they think twice??
Whenever we do few things just for time pass, we very well know, what it is....yeah obv cheaper....or not worth giving a thought.
Does that mean..that when people commit to some unthought relationships, their lives are not worth giving a thought. They do not have time enough to even think abt what is happening with them, with their real self, to what end are they drifting...
to where are they moving?
I just think at even if people do not realise their mistakes after committing it once, then probably life might not give them chances twice or thrice everytime.
Life is not a testing ground, it is a ground where we all are supposed to give our best and perform to our best. Certainly experiences form a part of what was "my best" at a particular time. But what is the whole point in putting ur effort just half heartedly...???
Dear Rads,
Reading this blog has just multiplied my fears. Is this job getting to our nerves? Anyways!! Back to the blog!!
I am sorry that I don't have much of an answer to these questions you have raised, but would say only one thing.
Never be afriad to offload your baggage and move on!
Life is too short to worry about the mistakes and what could have been. Doing so, we would end up more miserable and wretched than those mistakes.
I think the best way to live is always to Think about what could be. Live for the future, not the past!!!
Still your point remains about the msiatkes for the future. Well who am I to comment, when I know I will be making so many mistakes myself... still I look forward to live the life in those rare correct choices that I hope ro make!!!
Satyam, at 7:01 PM
By the way!!! To answer the topic of the blog :)
YES Life is a Joke!!!
Satyam, at 7:54 PM
Guess here I will have to agree with javeri..;-) life certainly is too short to think about the live life king size...:-) As for my blog...absolutely nothing fishing in here...was sitting thought will write something...and there it was...My blog..:-)
Aks, at 8:18 PM
hey jai..
kya yaar..We all were so happy to think abt the mere concept of smthg fishing in ur net....
saare plans and aashaon per paani pher diya...
Radhika, at 9:32 AM
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