Terra Firma!
Life is all that matters,
Life is all that u have!
Dream big, and make things possible...
Is what I think everyday..
Questions as arise in my head..
I am in a fix at times...
Is it? is it not? Becomes difficult to say...
Afterall life is on 360 degrees swing.
Where, what, how, when....
The list as it unfolds..
The terra firma is difficult to decipher,
Still I'm on my full hold...
Belief in myself as I have,
I want to answer these questions...
But probbaly the fun remains in the depths,
Being Unanswered and unveiled then!
Life is all that u have!
Dream big, and make things possible...
Is what I think everyday..
Questions as arise in my head..
I am in a fix at times...
Is it? is it not? Becomes difficult to say...
Afterall life is on 360 degrees swing.
Where, what, how, when....
The list as it unfolds..
The terra firma is difficult to decipher,
Still I'm on my full hold...
Belief in myself as I have,
I want to answer these questions...
But probbaly the fun remains in the depths,
Being Unanswered and unveiled then!
Kya bhai.. life main kuch kaa dham nahin hota kya...
"Where, what, how, when....
The list as it unfolds.."
Well its actually five Ws and one H - Whom, what when where why and how... The list ends here :P
A good one...
Satyam, at 8:56 PM
that was good...but yeah certainly we need to answer a lot of questions...
Aks, at 7:31 PM
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