Saturday, December 03, 2005

Guys World??

Well now, do take the word guys, as "GUYS".

I sometimes, am not able to understand why cant just guys overestimate themselves most of the times. It has been really rare, and as far as I can remember, hardly 2-3 people whom I've met till date, are ready to accept that girls are good at whatever work they do. Today girls are better at the jobs they take, because, of course they're more serious. And then this comment comes, that they can't be in all fields, or some shit like that!

Well, people do not need examples of Kiran Bedi, Indra Nooyi and Naina Lal Kidwai, for that matter. Kalpana Chawla is remembered today also with due respect and for her achievements! Writers, poetess, CEO's, Board of Directors, pilots and the list goes on and on.....

Is the space world or the corporate world left untouched? No field today exists where women are not doing equivalent to or rather better than their male counterparts.

The basic thing being that the guys today are not ready to accept the growing women's world. They just have one and only tool that they can use against it, and that is their stupid gossip. Believe me, this is not the term that should be attached to the women of today, it rather applies more to men. We few people actually few days noticed this, and hence were convinced.

And still, in newspapers, an article happens to come once in a while, that women have entered the stream of pilots, line workmen etc etc.....and their colleagues are smirking with awe, if they would be beaten in the competition by them!

Guys!!! Poor creatures, I would say! They are wondering and exploring options of any land if is possible left just for themselves!

A funny thg!

Well people,
Believe me, this is a funny thing, that I read in yesterday's TOI.

The article started with the caption "Height hormone decides IQ". Some great scientists somewhere have reached the conclusion that the guys who are short tend to be relatively lower in their performance, at work, at academics, and etc etc; as compared to the tall guys.

Hey guys here is unisex.
Well so, the idea of these people is that the hormone for height, secreted by pituitary gland effects the performance.
It seems they have been ignorant of our 6-sigma tools, and they have not been able to really reach the root cause. They're probably shooting the symptoms right now, as psychological factors have not been taken.

But really funny, that they have not been able to come up with anything better, that effects your grey matter, or something related.