Friday, February 08, 2008

Best life pie....

I curve I bend....
I see people around....
With their busy lives,
No time for themselves....
Have always made the best for myself...
so have never been in these shoes...!

But I just wonder....
Why ppl like being in there?
Cant take initiative...
dont know what they want off themselves...
no goal in life...

Well by now i have seen...
people earning a damn lot money,
but really having a useless life
at least as i call it
for its no use for their ownselves...

Then I see career savvy women...
have difficulty managing their damn homes...
then i just wonder...
the reason someone marries...
to have a home of their own...
but then i see a duel that people fight with...
and they burn their houses for their work...

So am I the happiest woman on earth...
well may be one of them....
and then it makes me think..
to make the best of ur time...
and i have seen ppl unleashing their talents....
to get the best of themselves....
isnt that the reason for a life....

arent there certain things u wanna do in life....
then why do we wait for a storm..
to upheavel the lives and leave thgs no where...
isnt it better to enjoy them before its too late...
why are ppl not able to realize their dreams...?
Gosh...someone gotta say what stops them....
they gotta say what stops them...
how does the most intelligent mammal,
leaves itself most of the times....
at poor display of the same...

Best life pie as I say,
is a recipe...u gotta see and enjoy...
but u gotta realise what it should be like...
at least for various phases....!