Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Correlation....A Relation

Correlation...A Relation...A Relationship!

Thats how probably the things start, and who knows what will be dependent on what, or whom for that matter!

Well....thats how i used to think, before attending few GB training sessions, and realising that 6 sigma outrightly negates it, and says....
"A Strong Correlation between two variables, doesn't mean that one is causing other."

Well good to begin with..but then as I said....who knows what will start affecting what, when!

Cool enough....but still I'm not too sure about the sentence, for you might end up missing the relationship that this pair of variables could have shared, or share!


Monday, November 21, 2005

Meeting a dead end........

Profuse as it becomes with darkness,
Things become perfunctory.

Evincing the close bounded nature,
Life earths the indurateness in me.

Slaking my thirst,
As it was unvieled.

Cornucopia of this sort needs an end...
Exegesis will be entertained!

Putsch as I want to make happen....
Turning tables to my end!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Power of Few Words

Sometimes, I just think that there are few words, that can describe the situation so well at times; that you really do not need work, no dreams, no aspirations....but yeah just these words...

Well thats the beauty of it...


Have u ever heard anybody talking abt the effort they put in, the work they do for a particular problem.
In 99% cases, answer will be "No".
Because our luck didnt favour, we had so many constarints, this was out of scope of my work, this was not favoured by the situation....

Well do add ur list to this. We all should know these big words that define moments and occurrences of events today.

Its funny at times, when such excuses come in front of people who manage things, and then ypu feel laughing at the person who's providing you the excuse with all sincerity and innocence; with "ignorance", will althought be the right word.

Neways lets analyse the other pssibilities!
Keep me posted!

Realities seem untrue....

I've always thought about the possibility of some thoughts coming true..
have even seen that happening in life...Few things that you never thought can happen, end up taking you in their complete entangle...and most of the times, these are good things!
Things that u were yearning for, things that seemed like dreams...and u get so happy to have them..just unbelievably happy..high up in the clouds...

But at times, life plays games. Ends up making few scary things true....

One of such thing, well is my work. Never thought that there can be so untwistings in finding what goes in for the root cause of any problem. As many heads, so many possibilities!
U decide on few factors! Overall picture is still rosy..you are not able to even think about the actual causes, you are engulfed by the mere unpredictability of the visible picture.

And as you take on the mission to find the realities, all unthinkable things come into picture..
Yes may be this is the power of 6 sigma....leave the obvipus things behind...go by what u can see.
People just dont try to justify things. Things are taken up for the sake of being taken up....

Life will be such..I never thought so...
Always thought that there are certain systems that run perfectly....that cannot affprd to run in a half-a-scar'd manner.....But this is a fact...
Nothing is perfect, not even close to it.

Whatever u think at times, become untrue!
Whatever u hope at times, disappears in the blue.

Things you are very sure of,
As they fade off....

Ephemeral nature as it repeats....
Unpredictability as it is called at times...

Wish things were better defined..
Wish things were better controlled...

Life would have been so better!
Although still it is good...


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Terra Firma!

Life is all that matters,
Life is all that u have!
Dream big, and make things possible...
Is what I think everyday..

Questions as arise in my head..
I am in a fix at times...
Is it? is it not? Becomes difficult to say...
Afterall life is on 360 degrees swing.

Where, what, how, when....
The list as it unfolds..
The terra firma is difficult to decipher,
Still I'm on my full hold...

Belief in myself as I have,
I want to answer these questions...
But probbaly the fun remains in the depths,
Being Unanswered and unveiled then!